Beatty High School Virtual Blood Drive

Students who donate blood two times within the school year 2024-2025 will earn a Graduation Cord!

115 days remaining

* Includes successful and unsuccessful donations (i.e., donor generously attempted to give but donation was not able to be completed)

About My Virtual Blood Drive

We want to give students, parents and staff an opportunity to give blood outside of our hosted events to maximize collections. All students who donate blood two times within the school year 2024-2025 will earn a Graduation Cord. Every blood donation can save up to three lives! And every extra donation will help us earn points towards a Vitalant High School Scholarship Award for the school year 2024-2025! Student donors must be at least 16 years-old and meet the height and weight requirements and report their outside donation to the Student Council. Parents, teachers and staff donating on behalf of a student will need to report their donation to the Student Council or contact Laura Alvarado with Vitalant at 702-759-9942. Please make sure the Referral Code: BIGHEART-5275-N is added automatically/manually. It will be the last thing to add before you confirm your appointment. Thank you!