Active Virtual Blood Drives

  • Lubbock Lions Club-platelet drive

    Drive ends on October 1, 2024
    Created by James Dugger
  • Rosalie Wohfromm

    Drive ends on October 2, 2024
    Created by Rosalie Wohlfromm
  • Badass Blood Givin'

    Drive ends on October 3, 2024
    Created by Megan Melvage
  • Women Warriors of the Woods

    Drive ends on October 5, 2024
    Created by Elizabeth Cutter
  • Elevate 2024

    Drive ends on October 14, 2024
    Created by Kyle Burkybile
  • Sierra Middle School NJHS Virtual Blood Drive

    Drive ends on October 19, 2024
    Created by Rebecca Chapman
  • 1 Hour is All it Takes to DO GOOD

    Drive ends on October 22, 2024
    Created by Samara Rasmussen
  • Big Ten Blood Drive

    Drive ends on October 31, 2024
    Created by Margaret Denbow
  • Jim Hassig memorial Drive

    Drive ends on November 8, 2024
    Created by Danielle Tyler

*Includes unsuccessful donations (i.e., donor generously attempted to give but donation was not able to be completed)